UX/UI Wellness Case Study
For a Journaling App

Sahar A.
4 min readApr 2, 2024

The fourth challenge with Ironhack


Our client, The Daily Health Conference, a non-profit organization focused on health and wellness, aims to offer more value to its members by creating digital mobile apps and updating their image to reflect an innovative approach to wellness.

The challenge involves conducting user research to understand people’s relationships with mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Additionally, it includes creating a digital wellness tool to track the user’s progress and encourage them to commit to a better lifestyle.

We chose to develop a journaling and mood tracker app for our wellness project because we believe in the power of self-expression and emotional awareness. By combining journaling with mood tracking, our app provides a platform for users to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a meaningful way.

So, we begin with a Competitive Analysis to gain insights into the current market landscape, we analyzed four key competitors using brand analysis, competitor mapping, and feature evaluation. This approach helped us understand market positioning, competitive strategies, and potential areas for innovation.

Brand analysis & Mapping of Competitors & Features analysis

Quantitative data / Survey

The survey had been conducted with 48 users, and we found that:

  • 35% of users believe that journaling helps them explore their ideas and thoughts
  • 48% of users agreed that journaling helps them keep track of important things
  • Users ranked journaling third as a method for expressing emotions or thoughts
  • Users’ challenges in maintaining a journaling habit included difficulties with forming the habit and uncertainty about what to write
  • Users believe that journaling increases self-awareness and enhances their creativity
  • Based on the data, users believe that journaling increases self-awareness and enhances their creativity

Qualitative data / User Interviews

Here are the quotes and insights from the 5 users we interviewed:

“Writing helps in organizing thoughts and also makes everything clear and understandable”

“Journaling is helpful when difficult to talk with others”

“One of the challenges is that I forgot about writing”

“What makes journaling important is that it helps in prioritizing tasks, organizing priorities, and releasing negative energy”

User Persona & User Journey

Now, after gathering insights, identifying challenges, and using an affinity diagram, we created a user persona and developed a journey map

User Persona
User Journey

Problem Statement

After analyzing the user journey and gaining insights into the current user experience, we have identified a key problem statement:

The self-expression seekers need to find a way to have fast access to their journals, ensure privacy, keep memories, and organize tasks and keep everything under control. Because they need to maintain a record of their experiences, find insights based on their data, and ensure their mental well-being by having a private and organized space for self-expression.


We used MOSCOW to figure out the most important features. Then, we made a basic version of the product using MVP to see if it worked well, and then asked users for their feedback.


Low-fi /Mid-fi

We created low and mid-fidelity prototypes and tested both. Overall, the tests showed that the app is clear and easy to use.

Visual Competitive Analysis

We analyzed 4 competitor logos, colors, and any assisting imagery that they use. Then, we tried to think of what their brand attributes may be, which helps us identify market trends.

Brand Attributes / Moodboard

We defined our brand attributes as Self-Expression, Simple, Creative, Useful, Personal. And here’s our moodboard:

Hi-fi Prototype

After completing all the steps, we designed and developed the high-fidelity app for journaling and mood-tracking.

a glimpse of how the app works

Desirability Testing

The last step was conducting desirability testing to evaluate how desirable the app and its features are to users.

