Redesign an App Case Study

Sahar A.
3 min readMar 18, 2024


This challenge is about redesigning an app. I chose to work with the IMDb app, which is an online database for movies, TV shows, and provides a lot of details related to them, and more..

For me, this challenge was an opportunity to become more organized and master the use of the ‘Figma’ tool. So I spent a lot of time learning about it.

Existing Design Clone

First, I began by copying the existing screens: the home page, the title information page, and the search page. This helped me evaluate the current design and keeps things consistent as I work on the redesign.

Screenshots & Clones

Heuristics Analysis

I conducted a heuristic analysis of the current app to evaluate its usability based on established principles and guidelines and to identify potential usability issues and areas for improvement.

Heuristics Analysis

Visual Competitive Analysis

Brand Attributes/Moodboard

Informative: Provides relevant and reliable information to users.
Playful: Emphasizes creativity and entertainment, enhancing the experience of searching for something to watch.
Discovery-Promoting: Inspires users to discover new movies and shows through personalized recommendations, curated lists, and diverse genres.
Curiosity: Sparks users’ interest with intriguing content that encourages further learning and deeper exploration.
Originality: Offers unique features, good content, and a fresh, innovative experience, setting it apart from other apps.


Style Tile

Style Tile

Hi-fi Prototype

Finally, I learned a lot about how to analyze an app, especially in the Heuristics Analysis. I didn’t add or make any significant changes in the app. But I’m still trying to learn and discover the best way to do it; this is the first time, so it’s not going to be the last. Also this challenge will remain ongoing for me.

